So Halloween came and went pretty quietly around here. But the spiders 'round here contributed to the Halloween spirit nonetheless, cause they are big and scary :P. I tolerate them though, cause i want them to eat the mosquitos. The cockroaches are way worse, cause they actually come
inside the apartment (though as it's gotten colder I've seen them way less, so I guess the cold
IS good for something! lol). As long as the spiders stay on their little (or sometimes big) webs outside I won't bother them. There's a doozy just off the edge of our balcony near our door though. If he built
his web any closer to our door I'd get kinda freaked out o_0. But as long as he stays where he's at, I'm fine. Anyways.... Yesterday it rained again (big suprise), but one of the guys at church was nice enough to give us a ride home (and he actually had a car big enough to fit our bikes, lol), so that was awesome. Its still feeling kinda cold, though its not as bad as it was earlier last week. It'll probably rain again today, and according to Murphy's Law it'll probably start
right before we get on our bikes to go to karate, lol. That seems to be how it goes around here. Right when we need to go somewhere, RAIN. One dark and cold night, Braden and I heard the strangest noises coming from the woods next to our apartment o_0. It was really loud, and it sounded like some sort of animal, but we couldn't tell what kind, we only knew it sounded like it was dying a terrible horrible death o_0'. At times we heard loud squaking, others times it sounded like a high pitched whining or yelping, and other times it just sounded like screeching. It was wierd and creepy, and we looked out of our window towards the woods but it was too dark to see anything. It lasted for about five minutes then suddenly stopped. Creepy. So now I really wonder what's living back there. Maybe the Yeti moved to Japan? Lol.
Did you ever figure out what the sound was?