I see it's been a month since my last update. I don't know how those daily bloggers do it! XD
It's apple picking season here in Japan, and Braden and I have been the recipients of some delicious apples this week. We got some from a friend at church and some from our neighbors. Really big, yummy apples. And since the apples at the store are about a dollar a piece (yeesh) I was glad to get some free ones! I had a hankering for apple pie, but I don't have a conventional oven, so I decided to cook them on the stove. Found a simple recipe online. Couple TBS of sugar, a tsp of cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg, a TB of butter, and voila. Yummy, sweet, warm cooked apples. :) Clara liked them too, gobbled them right up. Braden is away in Tokyo right now for some training so he missed out, but I promised him I'd make it again when he got home.
We put up our little Christmas tree this weekend. Clara has a hard time leaving it alone. She keeps wanting to grab the tinsel or branches and shake them as hard as she can. Rather than take her away every time I've been trying to go over there and show her how to gently pat the tree branches while saying "gently", hoping that she'll learn that it's okay to go over there, it's just not okay to be so rough with it. When I'm over there saying "gently" I feel like I'm teaching her how to pet a dog or cat or something XD. Here's hoping I'm not doing it all December long. Fortunately we didn't put any breakable ornaments on it. In fact, we haven't put ANY ornaments on yet, though I was thinking of making some origami ornaments to put on. But I'm a little afraid if I do she'll just keep pulling them off, so maybe we'll just be ornament-less this year.
Right now I can hear the yaki imo truck going by. Yaki imo is a cooked sweet potato, and in the winter there are vendors that go around in trucks selling them on the street like an ice cream truck sells ice cream. They play music too, but not "The Entertainer". The song I'm hearing right now is just "yaakiiiii imoooooooo!" over and over again. Not exactly the most 'entertaining' song ever (see what I did there?) but I guess it could be worse.
No pics this time, but maybe next time. Sorry!